MOUNTAIN CART * Promotional price (until seasons end) Regular price
Mountain cart (1 ride) 13,00 € 18,00 €
Mountain cart (2 rides) 23,00 € 32,00 €
Mountain cart ** (3 rides) 30,00 € 43,00 €
1 hour 23,00 € 18,00 €
2 hours 45,00 € 36,00 €

VAT is included in the price. The price list was issued in Maribor and is valid from July 5, 2024.

Operating hours for Mountain carts: Friday between 1 PM and 6 PM, Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays in Slovenia, between 10 AM and 6 PM. For groups of at least 10 people, arrangements can be made outside of regular operating hours.

Notes legend:
*The price for the Mountain Tricycle includes the number of descents with the tricycle, the number of chairlift rides up, and the rental of a protective helmet.
** Each additional ride is €14 (regular price), except until the end of the season, when it is €10 (promotional price).
*** Children aged 12 to 15.99 years.

Rules of Conduct:

  • Riding mountain carts is at your own risk.
  • The operator, Public company Marprom Ltd., is not responsible for any physical injuries of the user during the ride.
  • Users under the influence of alcohol or drugs are strictly prohibited from using the mountain tricycle course. The user declares that they are not under the influence of the mentioned substances.

Safety Instructions and Terms of Use:

  • The mountain cart track is marked with ribbons and prepared in nature, running through ski slopes and forest trails that may contain bumps and hollows. Therefore, caution and driving at an appropriate speed in accordance with the driver’s abilities are necessary while riding on the course.
  • The user declares that the operator has informed them of the instructions for using and operating the mountain tricycle before use, and that they have understood them.
  • Wearing a helmet is mandatory for riding mountain carts.
  • Leaving the marked course and stopping on the course is strictly prohibited.
  • The minimum height for a mountain tricycle user is 140 cm.
  • The maximum weight for a mountain tricycle user is 120 kg.
  • The user undertakes to immediately inform the operator of any injuries to persons, property, and equipment that occurred during the mountain tricycle ride.
  • The user undertakes to respect the safety instructions and terms of use of the operator and to follow the instructions of the staff.

Age Restriction:

  • Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to use the mountain carts.
  • Children from 12 to 16 years old must be accompanied by a legal guardian or caregiver (adult), who must sign a statement regarding the use of the course on behalf of the child.
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